Wednesday, March 27

Today's top marketing news, tips, & tools

There’s less than a week until April Fools Day! If you’re looking to find a way to celebrate with your brand, check out today’s insight below 👇

🧠 Stat Of The Day 🧠

Opera, a web iOS browser, reported a 164% increase in new European Users after Apple introduced its new default browser choice feature. (Source: Opera)

🤖 What You Didn't Know About ChatGPT

Most of us know ChatGPT for its content skills, but did you know that it can be a lifesaver in increasing work productivity?

Using ChatGPT at Work is your ultimate guide to taking ChatGPT to the next level.

This comprehensive guide is designed to enhance work productivity by integrating ChatGPT to streamline workflows, enhance communication, and much more! It also provides 100 actionable ways to integrate it into daily work routines.

🚨🎙 You Don’t Want To Miss: “How To Make Millions With Memes & Newsletters” on YouTube, Spotify, or Apple 

⚡️Today’s Headlines⚡️

📞 WhatsApp’s working on new community tools including Group Events

🤯 Adobe’s creating a new AI-powered ad creation platform

🛡️ Snap debuted new brand safety tools to give advertisers confidence

🧑‍🎨 Canva acquired Affinity, an Adobe competitor, to fill design holes

🤔 Google’s expanding AI-powered SGE to users who didn’t sign up

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🛠️ Things Worth Checking Out 🛠️

📸 GET VISUAL - Looking for new content? Get matched with the best photographer for your needs, no matter the occasion! Also, videography is now available in Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, and Sydney for Growth Daily readers! Get 10% off your first shoot here.

💰 GENERATE MORE REVENUE - Unlock revenue from your email list by turning it into a revenue-generating newsletter. The Newsletter Team's Accelerator is exactly what you need to make that happen! Apply here.

📝 GOOGLE’S SEO TIPS - Always fun when Google tries to debunk SEO hacks, huh? Google’s now saying that publishing more content doesn’t improve quality for faster indexing, contrary to popular belief.

Today’s Insight

📰 TL;DR - April Fools is less than a week away, but it’s not too late to plan out a fun brand campaign! The key is to get creative, have a good time, and remember not to be too deceptive. To get you started, Marketing Ideas gathered 5 ways to generate buzz on April Fools’ Day this year.

💡 Insight - Tactic #1: Launch a fake physical product. If you’ve got a virtual product, imagine what your product could be as a real, physical thing. The more ridiculous, the better. Take a note from Google Home’s smart flower and Duolingo’s in-person notifications.

Tactic #2: Build the first-ever [something] for your audience. In this case, think of how you could do something unexpected within your niche, then claim it as a “world’s first” for your specific audience.

Tactic #3: Launch an impossible feature. What’s the best made-up feature you could create for your product? For example, pet brand BARK and language learning browser extension Toucan collaborated on a Woof to English translation tool.

Tactic #4: Make a huge “mistake.” Warner Bros used a 2-hour Rick Roll-type video of Pikachu dancing to promote their film Detective Pikachu under the guise of leaking the whole movie.

Tactic #5: Shut down the company. Exactly like it sounds – pretend you’re closing down your most popular feature/service, then send a “just kidding.” This one’s a little riskier, but ideally, you’ll see how much your audience actually wants your product.

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