Thursday, February 8

Today's top marketing news, tips, & tools

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🧠 Stat Of The Day 🧠

Meta’s ad business grew 24% YoY while Snap reported an increase of 5% YoY for the same period. (Source: Meta and Snap)

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🎉🎙 NEW EPISODE: How marketers should benchmark their metrics in 2024 with Databox’s new benchmarking tool… is now available on YouTube.

⚡️Today’s Headlines⚡️

✂️ LinkedIn’s splitting its “Network” tab into “Grow” & “Catch-Up” feeds

🔖 Threads is testing the ability to save posts (like X Bookmarks)

✏️ Facebook is testing generative AI prompts for post captions

 💬 WhatsApp will get third-party chat support soon

💼 LinkedIn’s new AI chatbot can help connect applicants with jobs

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🛠️ Things Worth Checking Out 🛠️

🔗 BACKLINKS - Within weeks of publishing this data-driven content, OneLittleWeb earned us 15+ backlinks from big names, including Business Insider, Yahoo Finance, and more. Can’t recommend them enough! Visit here.

📅 SEE YOU IN NYC - No marketing event or workshop this year will match the value of my Growth Hacking Summit on February 29th in NYC. Guaranteed, or your money back. Secure 50% off with code "50OFF" here.

🤔 FEDIVERSE - Okay, be honest… do you really understand what the fediverse is? It’s okay. If you don’t here’s a helpful guide on everything you need to know about this new social platform ecosystem.

Today’s Insight

📰 TL;DR - Real-time social network BeReal just launched their RealPeople and RealBrands feature, inviting celebrities and brands to join the photo-sharing app. But the new feature isn’t being met with excitement from users as many claim that this loses the unique appeal of BeReal and turns it into every other social network.

💡 Insight - When users say that brands joining the app ruins it, what they’re really saying is that they don’t want to feel like brands are advertising to them through the app. In other words, brands: don’t be cringe. Post fun, engaging content and users won’t feel like you’re just asking them to make a sale. (Which is honestly just a good approach to take with organic social content in general.)

The initial brands joining BeReal include Adidas, Glossier, M.A.C., the Boston Red Sox, and UCLA. BeReal reiterates that these brand accounts are not ads. Users only see their content if they choose to see them and RealBrands are forced to share the same real, spontaneous moments as users are. This retains the app’s real value and pivots it into a business context – How could you showcase the behind-the-scenes of a product launch or highlight what it’s like to work at your company?

Lastly, and this might be a hot take: maybe BeReal isn’t for your brand. Because of its unique immediacy and rawness, brands who need copious amounts of legal approval before posting or brands who don’t have much going on visually might not find success on this app. That’s okay. Instead of jumping on every new content opportunity, focus on how to optimize and perfect the content you can produce.

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