Thursday, February 15

Today's top marketing news, tips, & tools

Have you gotten your Apple Vision Pro yet? Reports say that very early adopters are already returning theirs and Mark Zuckerberg is skeptical it’s better than the Quest set. That was quick.

🧠 Stat Of The Day 🧠

The top searched Valentine’s flowers on Google this year were Lego flowers, outranking tulips, paper flowers, carnations, and Trader Joe’s flowers. (Source: Google Trends)

🎟 Ticket Prices Go Up TOMORROW

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⚡️Today’s Headlines⚡️

#️⃣ Instagram might be putting a hashtag limit on posts

🇪🇺 Apple seems to be turning off iPhone web apps in the E.U.

🎠 Instagram’s copying TikTok & testing a carousel option for Reels

☁️ Bluesky is getting full hashtag support soon

💬 Microsoft Advertising is partnering with Facemoji Keyboard

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🛠️ Things Worth Checking Out 🛠️

🚍 OOH - Transform your marketing with OOH 2.0 from Escape OOH’s outdated methods with data-driven, measurable and scalable results. Book a call with here.

🤩 INFLUENCER MARKETING - Want to setup an automated influencer marketing system like this in your brand and get dozens of untapped influencers promoting you? Book a discovery call here.

👀 NAME YOUR PRICE - Get a brand new website designed to acquire more business at the price you name. Grab the limited-time offer by Axamo here.

🤖 SLACK AI - Slack’s launching a suite of built-in AI features to provide summaries of threads and channel recaps. Proving that AI is becoming more and more valuable in the workplace.

Today’s Insight

📰 TL;DR - The NYTimes highlighted the case study of The Pink Stuff, a home cleaning product that went viral on Instagram and TikTok in 2018 and has since quadrupled their original sales to $125M/yr. The product has been used by hashtags with roughly 20M viewers every week, allowing the brand to expand to 55 countries.

💡 Insight - Consider investing in newer or smaller creators. The influencer credited with bringing The Pink Stuff into the public zeitgeist was fairly new when she first started posting daily cleaning videos. But by creating an iconic looking, multi-use product and investing in that partnership, they got in early on the success of the influencer. She now has 4.8M followers on Instagram.

If something’s working, double down instead of diversifying. It’s a scary premise and one that goes against the grain. But The Pink Stuff has succeeded by putting all their advertising into TikTok and influencers, instead of traditional ad channels. You can’t plan to go viral but you can direct your efforts towards the channels that can help with it.

Align your product with an online community. The Pink Stuff succeeds because they’ve claimed a top spot with #CleanTok, a niche TikTok genre with roughly 110 billion global video views. It may seem almost too niche, but being the cult fave is what propelled the brand to become a household name.

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