Thursday, February 1

Today's top marketing news, tips, & tools

Did you see Elmo’s wellness check on X the other day? Recommend taking a look. The general response from the internet – which shouldn’t surprise anyone – was “not great, Elmo.”

🧠 Stat Of The Day 🧠

YouTube ads rose 15.5% in FY23 Q4 to $9.2 billion. (Source: Alphabet)

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Content marketers spend around 33 hours/week just creating content, leaving little time for all their other responsibilities. This year, let’s change that!

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Casted has it all, no need for extensive teams or agencies.

⚡️Today’s Headlines⚡️

✌️ Universal Music is withdrawing its music from TikTok starting today

📞 Thanks to AT&T your biz can now make branded phone calls

✂️ Google’s rolling out clippable coupons for product listings

 👀 Meta launched a new video ad attribution option, ‘Engaged View’

👌 Shopify’s new ‘Magic’ AI image editor helps products look perfect

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🛠️ Things Worth Checking Out 🛠️

🚨 JOIN ME IN NYC - I personally guarantee you will learn more from my upcoming Growth Hacking Summit on February 29th live in NYC, than you will from any other event or training this year, or your money back! Early birds get 50% with code "50OFF" here.

💬 YELP AD BUYERS - Need help with Yelp ads? Consult the chat! Advertisers no longer have to wait on hold for a support rep to be available, you can just use the live chat and schedule appts. So much easier.

🦾 AI CONTENT - If you’re creating content and you’re not using AI to help you… what are you doing??? Here’s a list of 13 AI tools that can help you create content. Our personal faves: ChatGPT & Descript.

Today’s Insight

📰 TL;DR - SaaS organizations are often only accessible through a paid subscription, but most offer free trials to entice users. Alternatively, you can use a limited free tier, a premium unlimited tier, or – a unique tactic from growth marketer Elena Verna – start users with a free trial of the full service & demote users after the free trial period ends.

💡 Insight - During this test, Verna found that this “reverse trial tactic” increased conversion from freemium to premium up to 40%.

By giving users all the bells and whistles up front for free, when they lose that access, they really feel the loss. They become interested in the features and functioning with them, then fully understand the lack of them.

If you start with premium up front, consumers may just shut down. They don’t want to pay, so they don’t know what they don’t have. Freemium features don’t allow users to really test out the full functionality of your product.

But this fourth method of thinking psychologically makes consumers more likely to convert to a paid subscription.

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